Dzieło Biblijne


Dzieło Biblijne

Application with bible texts, readings, theological aids and a map of the holy land. The system includes a CMS panel for managing data in the application.


The application in Polish contains Bible texts, comments, curiosities, Bible dictionary and Bible map using Open street maps.

My job was to create both a powerful mobile application and a CMS to manage the data displayed in the application.

Used technologies

TypescriptReact NativeReduxRedux SagaOpen street mapsStrapiReactJSMongoDB

Interesting cases

While working on the application, I had to face many interesting problems, which I managed to solve. Here are some of them.

Rich text editor

One of the goals of the project was to be able to link biblical dictionary items directly in commentary texts. In order to do that I created a custom plugin Strapi, in which the client could easily add the necessary links.

Displaying data

Data in the CMS is entered using a rich text editor in HTML form. To increase the efficiency and readability of texts in the application, a library was used to translate HTML tags into native components.

Tablet support

The application was also targeting tablets, hence a scalable interface had to be made.
